Instituting a Virtual Church
Hi! I'm Rev. Joseph W. Taber IV, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Lowell, NC. That video is almost 8 years old. I made it as an assignment for a seminary class entitled "Theological Grounding and Development of the Virtual Church," (Dr. Watkins loved long class titles). Now we find ourselves HAVING to reshape our traditions in order to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit in this age. The institutional church will not emerge from this global pandemic unchanged. As we move forward there are two things about me that I need y’all to know. The first is that I’m a huge geek. Not, was a geek in high school, although I was that too. I’m still a geek. My sermon manuscripts have footnotes. I get excited about minor grammatical changes between biblical translations. I enjoy reading minutes from Session meetings. I have a favorite part of the Book of Order: F-1.0301. If you don’t have that particular line memorized, don’t worry, I’ll come back around to it. Righ...
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