Hi there! As Pastors, a lot of us have been struggling with the announcement that our places of worship will be closed. We're looking for ways to show people that while the church buildings may be closed, the ministry continues. Then, last week, Rev. Rosie had a great idea for the two of us to share the text we'd intended to preach in a conversation that was sent to our congregations so that they could receive a sermon, even if they didn't get to join. The video got a very positive response (hopefully I can link it here at some point) and from there we had the idea to expand that concept. So this will be a gathering place for spiritual leaders we know to share their thoughts, reflections, and devotions, hopefully enough so that all of our communities will benefit with daily devotional material to help us through this time of uncertainty, and at the same time, to lift each other up even while we are physically separated. Bear with us as we lay down the tracks in front of t...
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